Friday, December 11, 2015

brighten the corner

Our congregation worships in a church building across from King's Island Chinese Restaurant on the corner of Old Forest Road and Link Road in Lynchburg, Virginia. That gives us a unique perspective on our community, our city, and the larger world in which we live and move and have our being.

Our location is important to our identity. Our location is also vitally important to our spirituality.

Faithfulness to the call of Christ demands that we share our faith, that we are witnesses to the good news of salvation and the love of Christ in our lives. We are to be witnesses to God's love in our community first, our city second, and then the rest of world.

How do we, as individuals, and also as a congregation, demonstrate God's love to the community around the corner of Forest Road United Methodist Church? What do we do to "brighten the corner" where we are?

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