Friday, December 18, 2015

a time of preparation

Advent is a season of preparation, a time for each of us to prepare anew to celebrate Christmas and the birth of our Savior, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. It is a time to renew our commitment as disciples, a time of spiritual introspection. Advent is a special time of blessing as we work to remove any obstacles that would hinder the fullness of Christ's love from entering the depths of our being.

But, for far to many of us, even those of us that want to deepen of discipleship and grow in our spirituality, we fail to take advantage of this blessed time of preparation. Instead of spending time increasing our devotion and growing in faithfulness and obedience, we focus on more temporal matters.

Advent isn't about Christmas shopping, finding the exactly perfect gift, and entertaining family, friends, and colleagues. It's a time for spiritual preparation.

This year, with just a week left before the celebration of our Lord's birth, I would encourage you to slow down. Take time to meditate on the wonderful grace that has been given us. Find a quiet spot to be alone with the Holy Spirit. Open your heart to the "wonders of His love."

Prepare for Christmas by slowing down. Worry less about all the commercial trappings. Center in on the "reason for the season," and let the true joy of this special season fill you to overflowing.

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