Thursday, December 10, 2015

across from King's Island

Trying to get this new blog started has been an exercise in in faith. Trying to find just the right name for it has been an exercise in something far different, let's just call it futility.

My hope is that all the effort pays off. And you dear friends and readers, will be the ultimate arbiters of that. My goal for this space is to provide this pastor's perspective on love, faithfulness, and meaningful discipleship in a world gone serious awry.

We are all in desperate need of a deeper spirituality. But, just what does that mean? What does a deeper spirituality look like?

We are all in desperate need of that perfect love that casts our fear. Where can we find such love?

We are all in desperate need of the peace that passes all understanding? How do we find such peace?

The answer is the same for all these questions. A deeper spirituality, perfect love, the peace that passes all understanding all are found in Jesus the Christ.

Now, one more question: How do we at Forest Road United Methodist Church live out our faith in such a way that people see a cross across from King's Island?

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