Wednesday, December 16, 2015

at a crossroad

Forest Road UMC has a wonderful and blessed history. We all recognize and celebrate that.

But, we all know that we cannot live in the past. We cannot allow yesterday's glories and triumphs to blind us from the present.

Let's look at all we are doing today, and celebrate the ministry we have been given. As I have said many times before, we have a unique position in our city. We are located in a wonderfully diverse community and are ideally situated to make a real difference in the lives of those in our part of the city.

How can we reach out to those most in need around our church building? What do we as a congregation have to offer? What can we do to demonstrate the love of Christ to our local community?

Forest Road UMC is at a crossroad. That means we need to make a decision about the direction we will be traveling in 2016. We need to prayerfully consider the future and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

What is our vision for the future of our congregation? What do we want our future to be? And what are we willing to do to turn the vision we have into reality?

What do we really want?

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