Wednesday, September 14, 2016

the lesser of two evils

Numerous times during this Presidential campaign season I have heard the statement that neither of the two leading candidates are worthy of the office of President of the United States. I have been told that both candidates have serious, even major, flaws in their character or their personality that should disqualify them to hold our nation's highest office.

Those statements usually precede a remark that this year we will be voting for the lesser of two evils. That so many people feel this way is a truly sad state of affairs. And it points out the deepening sense of doubt and alienation so many of us feel about the leadership and governance of our country.

It's a good time to be reminded of the words of the immortal Jerry Garcia. He wrote,

"Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."

Whoever we choose to support for the next leader of our nation, we need to do so prayerfully. We need to measure the words and actions of all the candidates against their faithfulness to scriptural holiness and a lifestyle of love.

Before we go to the polls in November it may be again time to ask "What would Jesus do?"

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