Sunday, September 25, 2016

Seventy Years of Faithfulness!

Seventy years is a long time. And for the past 70 years Forest Road United Methodist Church has provided a beacon of hope in our community. That is worthy of celebration, and that is what we are doing this morning.Today is HOMECOMING SUNDAY!

There is great difficulty in attempting to capture 70 years of memories in a single day. That, however, is what we are trying to do. We are pulling out all the stops to celebrate the wonderful history of our congregation.

Months of work and effort have gone into making this day special for all those attending. Our festivities actually began last night with a delightful Dinner at Charly's Restuarant. There were 33 of us who had a delicious meal while sharing stories and memories.

That brings us to today. And what a day it is going to be.

At 10 am we begin with a social hour: more stories, more shared memories with a history video and tables of photos and historical items.

Our 11 am worship will feature special music and our own District Superintendent, the Rev. Scott Davis, preaching. Worship will be followed by one of our memorably delicious fellowship meals.

But, that's not all. After our meal we will have a great afternoon of special music with the Fort Hill UMC Bell Ringers and several other exceptionally talented artists, some well known and fondly remembered as past members of our congregation.

Today is Homecoming Sunday! Join us as we celebrate 70 years of faithfulness!

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