Wednesday, October 5, 2016

being called a Communist...

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist." -Dom Helder Camara

This quote by the Archbishop of Brazil is one I use often, and one that has gotten me into trouble on a regular basis. But, it is a powerful statement that Christians need to both understand and to take to heart.

Feeding the poor is an act of compassion. It is surely an act and even a means of grace according to John Wesley. But, feeding the poor is not enough. Feeding the poor is addressing the symptom and not the sickness.

Addressing the cause of the poor being hungry gets at the root of the problem. This is a radical approach to ending hunger. This is eliminating the root cause of the issue. It addresses systems and power. It is a matter of justice and not just charity at this level.

If asking why the poor are hungry causes me to be labeled a Communist I am fine with that. In fact, more believers in Christ need to work hard enough on behalf of the poor and hungry to be so labeled.

Demonstrating the love of Christ is supposed to be radical. It demonstrates a faithfulness to the example and teachings of Jesus Christ that is far more glorifying to His Kingdom than just playing church.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

spiritual fearlessness

"Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral." - Mohandas K. Gandhi.

Perfect love casts out fear according to the writer of the First Letter of John. The more love we receive from God the less we should fear. The deeper our spirituality the more fearless we should become. How fearless are you?